Sunday, May 16, 2010

Well, being that I actually have something to write about, I figure I should blog.

Actually, this is what I concluded like 3 hours ago, but haven't gotten to it until now- unfortunately all the motivation and ideas I had 3 hours ago have left me.. so forgive me if this turns out to be boring..

This trip was the one I anticipated most. I dreamed about it, I talked about it, wasted time planning it! And now it's HERE! Although it hasn't been anything I thought it would be, it's been amazing.

We landed in philadelphia on a thursday night. I was SUPER excited because of a million reasons. Mix that with waaaaaaaay too long locked in an airplane= LOTS of excitement!
Luckily I had a chance to get all that energy out when the car blew a gasket on the way home and we ended up walking the rest of the way home.. it was a lovely night, and the moon lit up the railroad tracks that we walked along. I got to bust out my portuguese too, because Chris Cain and I spoke in portuguese almost the whole way back. Saweet.

The next couple weeks all kinda blend into one another. Mostly because I stayed up late and slept in most days. It was lovely :)

- the Philadelphia art museum!! Soo good.
- the 20 mile bike ride back from philly ^_^ Soooooo so gorgeous.
- DC. Gotta love the metro! And asians..
- BLAKE!! Hanging out with Blake was seriously the BEST! He sang me amazing songs such as
*the car song
*the shovel song
*the NEW shovel song
*the sun song
*the kitty cat song
And lets not forget::::: SOUL SISTER!!!!
-Flying kites with Mike, Marin, Blake and Barb
-Endless nights of snuggling with Barb
-FHE at Bryn Mawr
-Seeing all the peeps from philly that I had so missed! Although I didn't see nearly enough of them!
-Magic Gardens was preeeeeeetty sweet.

Since philly we've stopped here in Chicago, which has been pretty rad too. I played my first game of disk golf! It was so fun! I wish I didn't have to add it to the list of sports I'm horrible at.. oh well..
We saw a cool art museum and the millennium park. All in all I've enjoyed chicago. The architecture made my head spin a little. It's SO beautiful! It definitely inspires me.

Anyway, we're closing in on the last couple days of the trip. I'm sad to see it over, but at the same time, I'll be glad to have life go back to normal again.. until my NEXT trip ^_^ (Seattle anyone?)

On another note, I just wanted to add that I MISS everyone SO much! I want to spend every minute with everyone! I'm not sure how that's going to play out once I get home.
I AM however SUPER excited for Robbie to be home this summer. I'm fully planning on being glued to his side as often as possible. I'm not sure how he feels about this plan.. we'll find out.. ehehe.. ok I'm done. K LOVE YOU BYE!!
I'll post pictures once I get them.. :D