Thursday, May 02, 2013

One of those days..

You know those days when you're like, "Man, I feel so fat!" but then you don't actually weigh more?

                        *sigh* this isn't one of those days for me...

But we'll skip right over my pity party and get to the facts. Went to the gym and I've got NUMBERS!
No, not boys' numbers- gym numbers.

Start out #:
weight: 127
pushup max: 5
pullup max: 1
squat max: 55
Mile time: 12 minutes
Bench Max: 75

Goals by MAY 4th:
Weight: n/a
pushup: 20
Pullup: 5
Squat: 60
Mile: 10 minutes
Bench: 80

Weight: 132lbs (ಠ_ಠ)
Squat:  85
Mile: 9.28 (WOOHOO!)
Bench: 65 (but I did it 3 times! That counts for something, right?)

So I dunno exactly who to blame (cause I can't go blaming myself! No, no, no!) but the past few weeks I've been eating LOTS of sweets. Not just sweets but bagels too! And to my dismay I've gained 5lbs!!!! Okokok, I know that's not a big deal, women's weight fluctuates- still with all these goals in mind, and trying to stay physically active and all it's hard to see a decline rather than progress here. Aaaaanyway.I guess I'll go walk the dog or something..

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